Thursday, January 10, 2008

It has been awhile...

I don't really get on this blog often, but maybe I should. In fact, I know I should be as my desire is to make Jesus known to those who don't know him. I pray often that the Lord will put people in my path who need to know him, but the question I'm asking myself right now is, what am I doing to get out there to meet people?...How am I influencing this world for Christ? This blog was a good reminder to me that I need to be about the Lord's work - sharing His love and His story with others - every day!

Lord, forgive me when I don't look for ways to share the gospel. Help me to figure out ways to share your love with others every single day. I pray that someone who needs to know you would find my blog today and be drawn to you. Thank you for your love, mercy and forgiveness.